Thoughts. (Updated frequently)

"Lets be honest; the person I lie to most is myself. "

Friday 29 July 2011


I remember my first experience with roller coasters.
It was at Rainbow’s End, around when I was 7 or 8 years old.
Of course I was too short to ride one then, but my mum, my sister and I managed to convince my dad to go on it.
When he got off, he looked soooo sick, and vowed never to go on a roller coaster again.

I don’t know why I remember this, but this memory just popped into my head randomly. Maybe because this week felt like a roller coaster.

It had its ups and its downs, but overall, it was a good week.

What happened this week:

I was extremely upset in those two hours, you can’t even imagine HOW sad I was.
But then I got over it.

Life goes on

BUT THEN a guy emailed me saying he found it !!! I’m waiting for his reply now :)


I witnessed a theft today, the types I thought you only see on television.
I wasn’t up close, but I was close enough to see the whole thing.
A man stole this Chinese woman’s handbag (later heard it was LV). The ladies were chasing him, and then he jumped into a white car and they drove off.

I don’t know why, but I was quite shocked. I guess I never thought I’d actually see this happen. I didn’t exactly know what was happening at that time, but I stood there for quite a while before I went around asking. It was just … weird.


I had the Auckland Secondary School Case Competition on Monday and Saturday. This was actually the highlight of my week. I AM SO FREAKING PROUD OF US OMG
(People around me are probably tired of hearing me talk about it)
We signed up for the competition not knowing anything about it, and we were the most random team ever! I have NO idea how they chose our team of four - we hardly knew each other, but we worked so well together !
So well, that we were one of the four out of twelve schools to get into finals -
and then actually ending up coming first place in the competition :)

This is the first time I’ve actually been part of something at school, maybe that’s why this experience was so important to me.

You know the feeling you have when you get off the roller coaster for the first time, and you immediately want to line up and go again?

Well, that’s how I feel right now.


Its OFFICIALLY the first day of the holidays tomorrow, which means I get a sleep-in


  1. A guy found it and you're replying to each other?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? TYPICAL LOVE DRAMA PLOT DEVELOPMENT NUMBER #5 POTENTIAL BOY RETURNS LOST ELECTRONIC DEVICE TO GIRL.

  2. LOL NO. He is like Spanish or Italian or something.
    There are some good people in this world.
