Thoughts. (Updated frequently)

"Lets be honest; the person I lie to most is myself. "

Thursday 28 July 2011


Monday 6th June : Queen’s birthday holiday.

I never usually post on tumblr, but I guess today was just worth blogging about (and because I am procrastinating study)


Today we got the day off school which meant i got a LONG OVERDUE SLEEP IN !
I don’t think I’ve had a good sleep-in since, what, the April holidays?? AND I LOOVEEE MY SLEEP.

Anyways, my mum woke me up at around 10:30am and told me we were going to visit my great grandparents. I’ve known for a couple of days that we were going to see them and I was actually looking forward to it. I think the last time I saw him was around LAST YEAR? And I didn’t even have the chance to visit him when he was admitted to the hospital a couple of months ago.

So it was quite important that my family had to see him today. I was told,


He did not have long left.

But that did not seem the case when I saw him today.

He was smiling the WHOLE time we were there, and seemed so lively !
Although he did not remember exactly who I was, I was so glad I got to see him. He could not speak in complete sentences, but he always seemed to want to say something.

My mum said “When people get old, they start to act like a little kid again.”

He was wearing his jacket inside out, and just started laughing when he found out - SOOO CUTE LOL

My great grandmother was sitting beside/near him the whole time. She said she wanted to go and see the snow (when she found out my mum was going to snowplanet later), but was joking about not being able to go cus she had to look after him.

They’ve been married for 66years

(I hope I even make it up to the age of 66.)

I’ve always considered myself to be quite lucky. Not once have I experienced the death of a close family member, never have I been to a funeral.

So I’ve often wondered, how would I react? What would I do?

I remember when the doctors told my grandma she only had half a year to live.

(On a happier note), My aunt recently gave birth to a beautiful baby boy

I understand that ‘death’ is included in this life deal
But the miracle of birth is how this cycle all starts

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