Thoughts. (Updated frequently)

"Lets be honest; the person I lie to most is myself. "

Friday 2 March 2012

How have you been Christine?

It is the 10th day since I've been in Sydney, 5 days since uni has started.

And things are going ... well, I guess.

Lectures have started, but I only have like 8 hours this week, which means I have a lot of free time to myself. For the past week, I've sent out my resume out to around five different places now. My cover letters aren't very well written though, but I couldn't be bothered researching how to write a good one so I sent it out anyway. Hopefully, I can get a job to occupy some of the free time I have oh so much of.

My very 'full' and time-consuming schedule

UNSW campus is quite nice, it has more of a university-feel than Auckland Uni. So far, I haven't gotten lost or anything, but that is probably because I haven't been to half my campus yet.

UNSW Main walkway at night

Making friends isn't as easy as it seems. It's sort of hard since everyone already are in groups, and they tend to stick together during lectures.
I try to 'target' the ones that are alone, but all I get out of the 5 min about talking before the lecture is their names and a little background info about themselves. And then its impossible to find them again next class I have with them.
Slow progress in this department, but I'm hoping it'll be easier when tutorials start.

However, I did meet up with some old friends I have lost connection with over the past years.
I met up for lunch with Sharon on Monday and found out how she's doing. It felt good catching up with her - I haven't seen her for around 3 years. She hasn't changed that much, still the Sharon that I knew years ago.

On Thursday I met up with Jack - haven't seen him since he moved to Sydney after intermediate. He has a super strong Australian accent now which is so funny. But I guess my accent sounded funny to him too.
There are still some people from NZ that I still need to meet up with, but I guess I have plenty of time for that.

Darling Harbour - Viaduct of Sydney

Also met up with Wonwoo !

Wonwoo trying to tell me that Sydney is better cus Auckland doesn't have some things, like this fountain for example

I miss Auckland, and I occassionally think about what I would be doing if I wasn't here. I would probably be gossipping over lunch with friends, or laying on my sister's bed listening to her sing her favourite songs.

My sister updating me on the latest news :)

I'm not trying to sound like a super-emo, depressed person that I'm coming off to be. I'm sure no one wants to hear that I'm not doing well here. I guess I still need time to acknowledge that I am in Australia to study, away from my family and friends, and technically, am on my own. I need to learn to be more independent,  be more strong. I need to put on a positive attitude because everything will get better in time.

I will update more and maybe do a vlog (as requested by Hillie) when internet is set up at the place I'm staying at.

Officers on horse in city
A cute birdie that fell out of its nest :(

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